Repair woodchip wallpaper easily and effectively

Let us show you how to repair or touch up your damaged wall areas with DUPLI-COLOR products and presto.

  1. First, start with the presto renovation filler and compensate for small to medium-sized damage and holes. The renovation spatula is easy to apply, smooth and adheres well to wallpaper surfaces. Thanks to the fast drying time, you can continue working quickly. 
  2. In the next step, the DUPLI-COLOR roughcast spray is used. It has been especially developed for the repair of textured surfaces and thus the repaired area integrates seamlessly into the overall picture. Another advantage is that the Roughcast Spray can be painted over.
  3. To seal the woodchip wallpaper and make it robust against abrasion, we use the DUPLI-COLOR Dispersion Repair Paint. Due to its excellent coverage, the repaired area blends into the surrounding wallpaper pattern.

Detailed instructions can be found in this video!     


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